
The (emotional) comfort of Christmas

Amidst the festive cheer and bustling activities, the emotion of comfort plays a crucial role in our mental health and overall wellbeing.

Comfort at Christmas can act as a buffer against the emotional toll of the holidays.

For some, it’s hot chocolate, mulled wine and blankets. For others, it’s spending time with people they can completely be themselves with. The symbols of Christmas can remind us of our childlike selves, offering many a sense of comfort.

Comfort at Christmas can act as a buffer against the emotional toll of the holidays. The familiarity and warmth associated with comfort can alleviate stress and anxiety. Secondly, comfort helps in fostering connections.

Shared moments of comfort can strengthen bonds with loved ones, creating a sense of belonging and support. Lastly, comfort nurtures mental wellbeing. It allows individuals to find peace and contentment amidst the chaos, promoting a healthier, more balanced emotional state.

But what if you’re not quite feeling it? And how can you dig a little deeper to find emotional comfort?

Tips on How to Feel More Comfort at Christmas


Create a Relaxing Environment: Personalise your space with elements that bring you joy and relaxation. This could be through festive decorations, soothing music, or scents that evoke pleasant memories.

Maintain Healthy Boundaries: It’s okay to say no to certain social events or family gatherings if they cause undue stress. Prioritise activities that bring you joy and peace.

Connect with Loved Ones: Reach out to friends and family. Sharing your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly comforting and can also provide an opportunity to strengthen your relationships.

Embrace Traditions (or Create New Ones): Traditions can be a source of comfort. Whether it’s watching a favorite Christmas movie, baking cookies, or starting a new tradition, these activities can bring a sense of familiarity and joy.

Practice Self-Care: Allocate time for activities that help you relax and recharge. This might include reading, taking a walk, or indulging in a hobby.

Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you find the holiday season particularly challenging, don’t hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional.

How Can We Share Comfort with Others at Christmas?


Be an Active Listener: Sometimes, the best gift you can give is your attention. Listen to your friends and family, offering empathy and understanding.

Offer Help: Extend a helping hand to those who might be struggling. This could be through volunteering, helping a neighbor with decorations, or simply being there for a friend in need.

Share Warmth and Kindness: Small acts of kindness, like sending a thoughtful message or giving a heartfelt compliment, can spread comfort and joy.

Include Others: Invite friends or neighbors who might be spending the holidays alone to your celebrations. Inclusion can be a powerful source of comfort.

Donate to Charities: Contributing to charities that support mental health or provide for the less fortunate can spread comfort beyond your immediate circle.

Encourage Open Conversations about Mental Health: Destigmatise mental health discussions within your community. Open and honest conversations can create an environment where comfort is shared and sought.


Comfort plays an indispensable role in our mental health during the Christmas season. By understanding its significance, actively seeking it for ourselves, and generously sharing it with others, we can transform the holiday experience into a more fulfilling and joyous occasion.

This Christmas, let’s embrace and spread the warmth of comfort, making it a cornerstone of our celebrations and a gift that keeps on giving.